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About Us


Groots is ...


a Developmental Milestone based, feedback-oriented Preschool which focusses on the holistic development of Core Personality of a child. Groots or GrassRoots by definition means the most basic Core level of any activity. And early child development forms the Core level of an individual's persona. We call it "G-Core" or "Groot Core".


Our ideology evolves from the fact that we understand that every child is unique with a unique "G-Core". It is this unique G-Core that defines the core personality of a child that will develop into a persona as the child grows up and will ultimately define the way of life for the Child. At GrOoTs, we prepare a child for life!


How we do it::

Developing the G-Core, means developments in:
Language skills

And Most Importantly helping them channelize Free Energy. A Child possesses superfluous amounts of free energy and its very important to channelize that free energy into productive development.


A recent Study from Harvard Business school indicated a major ingredient in this developmental process is the “serve and return” relationship between children and their parents or other caregivers in the family or community. Young children naturally reach out for interaction through babbling, facial expressions, and gestures, and adults respond with the same kind of vocalizing and gesturing back at them. In the absence of such responses—or if the responses are unreliable or inappropriate—the brain’s architecture does not form as expected, which can lead to disparities in learning and behaviour.


We therefore understand the need for appropriate Child interaction and individual attention needed for each child.


And all this is conceptualized by the best appropriate people in the industry. "Hyper link to The Team"


We know that : " The Right Start matters ! "

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